Saturday, January 1, 2011

Make Up Looks

The following photo's are some of my favorite makeup looks. Some are neutral, other's are more dramatic. 
I absolutely love dramatic looks especially if they're playing up the eyes. 
Hope you all enjoy 

Just Throw It Away

Make up lasts a long time, But not forever. Mascara is the first to go. Since it is a creamy liquid and worn near the eye, Bacteria can spread more easily. Therefor it should be replaced every three to six months.Most other make up can last up to two to three years.
Be on the look out for any change in texture or smell. 
Powders, for example, will flake with age and foundations will separate or discolor.
To guard against contamination , keep tools and fingers as clean as possible. To maximize the life span of make up, keep in a cool place and keep covers closed tightly.
If the color is right, you'll most likely run out of the product long before you ever need to throw it out.